Friday, June 22, 2007

ulysses is very happy his new sisters are finally alseep!!
i don't know if he's ever gonna forgive me!!

i'm pretty happy they are asleep also!!
and thanks to auntie lisa--they now know how comfy the couch is!!
they both whined to make me help them get up!!!

and this lovey thing is my "new" free chair.
it was on the road on route 11 and i had to go back and check it out.
it is over ninety years old and belonged to the man's mother.
it no longer worked at his house and he couldn't sell it at the town wide garage sale.
i told my husband this is what i want to decorate our house around
and he scrunched up his face and stuck out his tongue.
guess he doesn't really care for it!!
this fabric is very tired but the chair is solid and i couldn't leave it behind!!
we jammed it into the trunk and now it sits in the living room.
love and God bless--j


Carole said...

Ya know, that chair has possibilities! BTW, Stephen says those puppies are welcomed! Come on over with the tribe! :o)

Leigh said...

Hi Jennifer, welcome to blog land. It's a great place and you'll make lots of nice friends.
As the owner of a 3 yr old lab all I can say is "OMG they are beautiful but - Are you nuts do you know what you're letting yourself in for"!?!?!?!? Lol. Have fun with them and enjoy blogging. :-))

Elaine Adair said...

Hey, I used to have a chair like that! Recovered and re-seated, it lasted into my kids household, and still is great. Don't make them like they used to!

Keep up with the photos - so nice to see the kids and new puppies AND anything quilt-y.

Melanie said...

Jennifer -- I think the best part of keeping a web journal is that it makes us take time out to document our "everyday" lives.. The things that one day you'll be glad you didn't forget. It even kind of makes me appreciate those "everyday" things. I just know you're going to love this...

atet said...

That chair has possibilities -- real ones. Just takes some time to see them -- oh, and I'd wait a while before doing anything. This way, if the adorable puppies decide to do something to the chair -- well, it needed to be recovered anyway!

Unknown said...

Welcome to blogland, I am also new here. I came over to you from Carole. The puppies are so cute. I know how your DH face was when you told him you wanted the chair, I have the same "problem" with my DH :)

Sew Create It - Jane said...

Found your through Carole..
Those puppies are's hard to imagine they'd be any trouble!
I had to comment about the granparents had one very similar in their house in Hamilton, Ontario..the arms are identical. With a little TLC that chair will be a lovely asset to your home.

Wendy said...

A little refinishing and new fabric the chair will look a good as new. I bet it's really comfy too!
Welcome...I know you'll really enjoy blogging.

Anonymous said...

Alright so I finally checked my email, and now I have read your entire blog. the chair ahs great possiblities. Just needs the right fabric!