Thursday, June 28, 2007

This is a wall quilt I complete several months ago
from fat quarters I received from an online
fat quarter club.

It was finished just at the right time to give as
a gift to someone who "needed" it just then.
(and her favorite color is purple!!)
(divine intervention)

I have nothing interesting to report today
except that I am feeling very lazy!

I hope the world is having a much more energized day than
Maybe I will accomplish more after dinner!!!

p.s. The pups are good today--only one accident!

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

My lovely pups have driven me insane on this warm summer day!!!
I just walked the heck out of them and came in to peruse the computer
and when i did the walkthru to make sure my furniture was intact
this is the sight i saw!!!!
They are too darn cute (when they are sleeping).

To all the obscure movie buffs out there--
have you seen American Splendor?
It is the true story of Harvey Pekar.
very off the wall, but funny in a dark sort of way.

i watch way too many movies
so i have to seek out the ones that are in the corners collecting dust.
and about half the time they turn out to be gems!!
i found this on the shelves of my corner mart
under all the latest and greatest that i have no interest in seeing.
take a chance--it might be worth it!!

I love art quilts!!

love and God bless---j

Sunday, June 24, 2007

This is the really bad "ok everybody look at me" shot.
but at least they are all here.
My oldest 2 (Mary Cate and Rose) are my "little ones"at camp this week.
They are 12 and 10 (almost).
The next set are Joseph and Dolores. Their birthdays are in December.
They will be 8 and 6 respectively.
and last but certainly not least is Elizabeth and she will be
3 shortly and she is my
"if she had been first I would have stopped there" child!!
They may sound mean, but I really did catch her once with her
pants off on top of
our 30 gallon fish tank trying to go swimming.
Thank God for duct tape-and it does come in black so you could
hardly see it on the top of the tank!!!!!!!!!!!!
and she is always very adventuresome like that--maybe she will be
the first woman to walk on Pluto!!! (or maybe I should say Neptune!!!)

I want to thank all the visitors I have had. I really feel part of your "world" now
and I am slowly making it around to all your "closets" for a peek.
love and God bless----j

my big girls are off to camp today!!
this is how i see them but the world keeps telling me they are much older!!
(and deep down i know this)
but this was the first time my Rose (Mary Cate is the older one)
has been away from me this long--they are gone for the week!!
it started off crazy, but settled down.
at first they weren't going to be in the same room together
but things changed and they are now, and it makes me very
happy--i don't know about mary cate!!
rose isn't the type to voice a problem but she might tell mary cate
if something was bothering her!
i just pray it will be a great week for both of them
and they have a total blast!!!
love and God bless--j

Friday, June 22, 2007

ulysses is very happy his new sisters are finally alseep!!
i don't know if he's ever gonna forgive me!!

i'm pretty happy they are asleep also!!
and thanks to auntie lisa--they now know how comfy the couch is!!
they both whined to make me help them get up!!!

and this lovey thing is my "new" free chair.
it was on the road on route 11 and i had to go back and check it out.
it is over ninety years old and belonged to the man's mother.
it no longer worked at his house and he couldn't sell it at the town wide garage sale.
i told my husband this is what i want to decorate our house around
and he scrunched up his face and stuck out his tongue.
guess he doesn't really care for it!!
this fabric is very tired but the chair is solid and i couldn't leave it behind!!
we jammed it into the trunk and now it sits in the living room.
love and God bless--j

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

how can i not love this
but let me tell you --they weren't this cute at 3:00am when i was walking them!!

and this is what i have going on behind my back
elizabeth was having a little arts and crafts on her own!

but joseph seems to be having a lovely day--
a dog and his boy

and all of this has truely put a kink in my quilting hours!!
lots of ideas and no time or energy-i will have a crate tomorrow and i hope
that will help with the night time hours. thank God for the internet
and all the info out there about training pups
(and it's not as conflicting as raising babies!!)
i am going to go read something and feel creative and lazy.
love and God bless---j

Monday, June 18, 2007

their first night home
we had a very weak moment this weekend and finally became the "all-american" family. we took the leap and got not one but two 6 week old puppies. we were going to adopt an older dog but our softball coach had puppies and here we are!!
sooooo cute but we are in for a wild ride!!

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

thought this might be an interesting way to see the world around me. my newest sewing buddy is a blogger and i always enjoy peeking into her "closets" and seeing what she's up to now. i chose tilted mountains because it is a quilt pattern i made for my sister who lives in denver and the pattern was designed there by the "possibilities" ladies.
i thought the design encompassed the relationship between my sister and my self!! i am still trying to figure all these buttons out and i hope to post a picture soon.